Tuesday, December 24, 2013


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all throughout Jukjeon
Not a teacher was teaching, not even ILS ones.
Their lessons were planned by the week with care,
In hopes that vacation time soon would be there.

When out from the hall there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the doorway I ran like a savage,
Tore through the lobby to spot a....Christmas package!

Mom had spoken not a word, but went straight to the post,
And sent off the box with great contents to boast.
Four bags of Cheerios, and lots of good tea.
But best, a letter and a Warhall Christmas CD.

I sprang in the air and let out a cheer,
I felt so loved from those far and near.
So I (virtually) exclaim, as I enjoy life's delights,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Missing my family, my friends, my dog, my home, but loving my life and living the dream (to quote one of my new friends).  Thank you to the Warhalls for thinking of me; I'm already loving the latest installation of the best Christmas card series known to humankind! I hope you enjoy my own compilation of, erm, noises...

******Just to be clear, that bird is saying 안녕하세요 (annyeong haseyo) which means 'hello!'******


  1. Miss you and LOVE YOU so much! What a fun video! Glad you received your box with a little Christmas Cheer. Even more glad that you will have friends near. Hugs and kisses to last the holiday season. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, Mom

  2. What a great mom you have! Have a Merry Christmas. Love you- Amy

  3. Hi Caroline! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! Finally able to comment on your blog with mom's help! She is sitting here with me as I had her over this morning for a New Year's Eve Day breakfast with Mimosas . I am very happy to see you are enjoying your stay in Korea and I will look forward to checking your blog every now & then now that I can!!!
